Friday, March 6, 2009

The Right thing

Most of the time I think we as people believe that whatever the easiest thing is, must be the right thing. I have been faced with many decisions in life that are tough. Making the tough decision may seem hard because we focus on people's feelings more than doing the right thing. Are people's feelings important? Yes. Are they more important than doing the right thing? No! In 1940's German and you were an anti Hitler anti Holocaust person, you would have been the minority but to stand up would have been the right thing. Likewise when Jesus had died and was resurrected his followers totaled 120 people. 120. They saw the God of the universe die and resurrect to share the New Covenant with the world. They were the vast MINORITY! Millions of people going in one direction and a few people saying that they have a new message to share. Was the right thing for them to shut up and keep the message to themselves? No. Was it easy to share the message? No. What happened? They were beaten, jailed, and eventually most of them were killed. So, doing the right thing, got them killed. Do we have to focus on being killed for doing the right thing? No we have some emotional pain and some heartache from the potential of saying tough words and hurting someone but doing the right thing, is the best way! My brothers and sisters do the right thing, the tough thing, and God will move in the midst of it!

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