Monday, August 3, 2009


Have you ever asked yourself what it means to sacrifice? Ever since my trip to Uganda I have been asking myself what it means for Americans to sacrifice. If we were being honest a tithe, if you are smart with your money, is not a sacrifice. 10% of our monthly income usually comes out of our abundance. When I read scripture the call of Jesus is not something to take lightly. When he called disciples he called them to a life of sacrifice.


This past month I have been reading the books of Matthew and Mark.

I have been convicted.

Broken, by the words of Jesus.

Jesus tells his disciples "If you do not take up your cross and follow me you are not worthy to be my disciple"

Really? Not worthy? Could that be true? Isn't Jesus supposed to be all inclusive?

I have been so convicted by this statement because of what his words mean. The word for cross is the word crux. Because of how excruciating the word for the Roman Crucifixion became a curse word.

So, to take up ones cross is really an ultimate sacrifice. Can you do this? Can you give up your very life? Are you willing to give it all up for the cause of Jesus?

We don't have the threat of being hung on a Roman cross,

but what about your wealth?
What about your future security?
What about your status?
What about your job?

We need to be asking ourselves can we sacrifice our comforts for our God?

Do you need to sell all of your possessions and move to to the back woods of Africa? Of course not. BUT we need to be willing to. We need to constantly be asking God, how we can sacrifice.

Father, I want to be willing to sacrifice any and all that you want me to. What do I need to sacrifice? Father, help me love you, serve you, and do everything you want me to.



Michael Slivkoff said...

"Do you need to sell all of your possessions and move to to the back woods of Africa? Of course not. BUT we need to be willing to."

Well said! The crux of the matter (pun intended) is indeed a question if the will, even as it was for our Lord. "Abba! Father! Remove this cup from Me," Jesus pleaded. Then pivotal moment. His desire and the Will of the Father at odds. And He chooses. He speaks the momentous words cementing all that would follow to seal the doom of Satan and redemption of that was lost. He submits to the Father's will - and all the sacrifice and suffering it would entail. He was willing! "... yet not what I will, but what You will." And the world would never be the same. God is still changing the world, through those who are willing to suffer and sacrifice for His sake. "And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and *they did not love their life even when faced with death.*"

And so, your question hangs in the air before me. "Am I willing to suffer and sacrifice, if He should will it?" Please Lord, make me ready. He left no other option.

Branden said...

Wow man, that in itself was a blog entry. Such a good thought! Thanks for the input!

Jason said...

If you change that to:


It spells "MELT" which makes it "cool" to us uberdorks. Just a suggestion :)

The random rantings of a crazed youth pastor

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